【治癒系-雲石紋 信息香薰蠟燭體驗坊 Memore moment-Message Candle (marble pattern) Workshop】


時間Time slots

人數No.of participant



🕯讓我們一起重新連結當下的生活,並獲得內心的平靜 【治癒系-Memore Talk 雲石紋 信息香薰蠟燭體驗坊】不只是「蠟燭製作」,更會加入深呼吸及繪畫體驗,藉此聆聽自己的內心,慢慢地進入過程,好好地放鬆。 ⚪讓我們稍稍停下腳步,在每個步驟的細緻中放鬆及認識自己,讓從起床後就忙得迷失其中的大腦,得以重新得力、啟航。 💭給自己一段療癒的手作時光,並敞開心扉、吐露心聲,透過用雙手寫下鼓勵自己的話語或聖經金句、用鼻孔嗅到的香氣、用心感受每一個步驟,讓自己在感官中放鬆,製作一個獨一無二、送給自己的信息香薰氛蠟燭。 過程中,我們可以學習專注、等待,也更加了解自己的內心世界。 在導師的指導下,參加者學習﹕ 🟤 透過簡單繪畫發現自己 🟤 寫上給自己的心聲 🟤 認識不同蠟材的特性、入杯温度 🟤 認識如何調配顏色及製作雲石紋 🟤 挑選一款香精油加入蠟燭 🟤 如何加入信息在蠟燭內 體驗坊包括: 🟫 製作1份雲石紋信息香薰蠟燭 (200g) 🟫 安靜寫下跟自己的對話 🟫 課程時間2.5小時(按學習情況調節) 🟫 導師會加入繪畫環節,讓參加者先放下世俗煩擾,進入安靜,發現自己 🟫 為保証質素,小班教學,最多2人 🟫 本店選用優質進口蠟材及符合IFRA認可的蠟燭專用香精油 🟫 上課時間﹕逢星期三或每月第三個星期六 (10:00-12:30 /14:30-17:00/ 19:00-21:30); 如需另行預約,請與本店聯絡(whatsapp:5579 3597) 🟫 體驗坊地點:火炭 (距離火車站5分鐘) 🌿每人可獲飲品乙份 🌿每人可獲即影即有相片乙份 🌿2人同行可獲扣減共$30 🕯Let's reconnect with the present moment and find inner peace together. 【Memore moment-"Memore Talk" Message Candle workshop】is not just about "candle making", it also incorporates deep breathing exercises, painting, and listening to our inner selves, slowly entering the process and truly enjoying it. ⚪Let's take a moment to relax and get to know ourselves in the intricacies of each step, allowing our busy minds to regain strength and set sail after being lost in the busyness since waking up. 💭Give yourself a healing handmade time, open your heart, express your feelings, write encouraging words or Bible verses with your hands, smell the aroma through your nostrils, feel each step with your heart, relax in your senses, and create a unique information aromatherapy candle for yourself. Throughout the process, we can learn to focus, wait, and gain a deeper understanding of our inner world. Under the guidance of the instructor, participants will learn: 🟤 Discovering oneself through a simple drawing 🟤 Writing a heartfelt message to oneself 🟤 Understanding the characteristics of different wax materials and the temperature for pouring 🟤 Learning how to mix colors and create a marble pattern 🟤 Choosing a fragrance oil to add to the candle 🟤 How to incorporate messages into the candle The workshop includes: 🟫 Making 1 marble-patterned scented candle with a personal message 🟫 Quietly writing a dialogue with oneself 🟫 2.5 hour course duration (adjustable based on learning progress) 🟫 The instructor will incorporate a drawing session to help participants let go of worldly distractions and enter a quiet space to get to know themselves 🟫 To ensure quality, small class size with a maximum of 2 people 🟫 We use high-quality imported wax and candle-specific IFRA approved fragrance oils 🟫 Class Schedule: Every Wednesday or The 3rd Saturday (10:00-12:30 / 14:30-17:00 / 19:00-21:30); 🟫 For appointments on other days, please contact us (whatsapp: 5579 3597). 🟫 Workshop location: Fo Tan (5 minutes from the train station) 🌿 Each participant can receive one drink. 🌿 Each participant can receive one instant photo. 🌿 Two participants apply together can get a deduction of $30 in total.

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