【至高者的隱密處 金句蠟燭盲盒】

金句蠟燭盲盒(香味) Aroma


聖經金句Bible verses



隨機內藏了聖經金句在蠟燭內,你必需要燃點才能看到金句的內容,希望帶給你有趣的體驗及驚喜,所以稱為盲盒。 金句共有10款 1) 耶和華是我的牧者,我必不致缺乏。詩23﹕1 2) 我將你的話藏在心裡,免得我得罪你。詩119﹕11 3) 你們是世上的光,城造在山上,是不能隱藏的。太5﹕14 4) 要常常喜樂,不住地禱告,凡事謝恩。帖前5﹕16-18 5) 又要彼此相顧,激發愛心,勉勵行善。來10﹕24 6) 神所賜的福,使人富足,並不加上憂慮。箴10﹕22 7) 良言如同蜂房,使心覺甘甜,使骨得醫治。箴16:24 8) 疲乏的,衪賜能力;軟弱的,衪加力量。賽40﹕29 9) 祢的慈愛、高及諸天,祢的誠實,達到穹蒼。詩57﹕10 10) 信就是所望之事的實底,是未見之事的確據。來11﹕1 為何要創作金句蠟燭盲盒? 目的﹕鼓勵信徒閱讀聖經或靈修,與主相遇 現今信徒忙碌,難以安靜親近主,要 “的起心肝”去實踐其實不易。本店構思此產品,讓你一邊點起蠟燭,一邊騰出30-60分鐘,慢慢讀經或默想。 插畫主題是甚麼? 主題是 “至高者的隱密處”,本店很感恩能夠以A Piece oF 的插畫作包裝設計。 「住在至高者隱密處的,必住在全能者的蔭下。」詩篇 91:1 至高者總是能讓人在衪的蔭下安歇,當你與衪結連的時候,便能得著那份平靜安穩,如置身於海裡享受那份寧靜。 容量有多少? 細罐﹕約40g(蠟淨重), 燃點約8-10小時 大罐﹕約70g(蠟淨重), 燃點約14-17小時 香精油的味道是? 推出與聖經有關的乳香沒藥及無花果,兩款皆混合了天然精油。 適合放於書房、祈禱室。 1. 乳香和沒藥 源自樹液、乳香和沒藥的芳香樹脂。加入淡淡的柑橘佛手柑和琥珀的香氣,開啟了樹脂沒藥和乳香的中調。 木質和熏香的香氣在基調中被粉末和沈香木軟化。乳香、廣藿香和芫荽籽精油增強了蠟燭中乳香和沒藥的泥土味。 象徵昔日博士為慶祝嬰孩耶穌降生而贈送的禮物。 2. 無花果樹 陽光成熟的無花果被淡淡的茉莉、櫻花和天竺葵包圍。 通過木質和花香的融合提升了香味,散發出淡淡的小蒼蘭和臭氧的甜味。 綠葉、竹子和苔蘚的香氣增添了鬱鬱蔥蔥的綠色品質,並與廣藿香和藏紅花的細微差別相平衡。 《聖經》共有57次無花果樹的記載,而且無花果樹與以色列人、中東人的文化和生活有密切關係。 注﹕如以上香味售罄,會以其他香味代替。 香精油附合國際標準IFRA認可的標準,對人體或寵物無害,但若寵物對氣味感不適,請暫停或遠離寵物使用,建議燃點此蠟燭不超過3小時。 We have hidden 10 Bible verses inside the candles, and you will need to light them to reveal the content of the verses. We hope to bring you an interesting experience and surprise, hence the name "mystery candle"/ blind box". The 10 Bible verses are (shown in Chinese): 1) The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. Psalm 23:1 2) I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. Psalm 119:11 3) You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Matthew 5:14 4) Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 5) And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Hebrews 10:24 6) The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it. 7) Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. 8) He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength. 9) For thy mercy is great unto the heavens, and thy truth unto the clouds. 10) Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Why create this blind box? Purpose: To encourage believers to read the Bible or engage in spiritual reflection and encounter with the Lord. Today's believers are busy and find it difficult to quiet themselves before the Lord. It's not easy to "set your heart and soul" to practice. We conceived this product to allow you to light a candle, slowly read the Bible or meditate. What is the theme of the illustrations? The theme is "In the shelter of the Most High," and we are grateful to use A Piece oF's illustrations for the packaging design. "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty." Psalm 91:1 The Most High can always make people rest in His shadow. When you are connected with Him, you can find peace and tranquility as if you are enjoying the calmness of the sea. How is the size? Small size: Approximately 40g (net wax weight), burns for about 8-10 hours Large size: Approximately 70g (net wax weight), burns for about 14-17 hours Tin size: S 5cm x 2.7cm︱L 5cm x 4 cm Packaging: Transparent plastic box/ Paper box What are the scents of the fragrance oils? -Frankincense & myrrh and Philosykos; related to the Bible -Suitable for study rooms, prayer rooms Frankincense Myrrh: Derived from the aromatic resins of trees such as frankincense and myrrh. It has a hint of citrus bergamot and amber, softening the resinous myrrh and frankincense in the middle note. Woody and incense aromas are softened by powdery and sandalwood in the base note. Frankincense, patchouli, and coriander seed essential oils enhance the earthy scent of myrrh and frankincense in the candle. The Fig Tree The ripe figs are surrounded by a faint scent of jasmine, cherry blossoms, and geranium in the sunshine. The combination of woody and floral notes enhances the fragrance, emitting a subtle aroma of orchid and sweet ozone. The scent of green leaves, bamboo, and moss adds a lush green quality, balancing the subtle differences with patchouli and saffron. The Bible mentions the fig tree 57 times, and the fig tree has a close relationship with the culture and life of the Israelites and Middle Eastern people. *If the above scents are out of stock, they will be replaced with other scents. The fragrance oils comply with the International Fragrance Association (IFRA) standards, harmless to humans or pets. However, if individuals are sensitive to the scent, please discontinue use or keep away. It is recommended to burn this candle for no more than 2 hours at a time.
